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Announcing the C.A.K.E. Project, have your kid sing on our album!

Hey Beat fans,

SirLou coming to you with a wonderful opportunity for our youngest fans to be involved with the band, and be a permanent part of our latest album. As you all know, this album was funded via Pledge Music (if you have not joined the campaign you can still do so!), and we are making this album for you, the fans, and we want to have you all be as much a part of it as possible. So Dave came up with another brilliant idea to do just that…

We are referring to this as the C.A.K.E. Project, which stands for Children Against Killing Everywhere…we think it is a pretty good idea and something that you and your kids will want to get behind! After all, no one likes killing AND who doesn’t like cake? lol

Check out Dave’s Facebook post below, in which he establishes this call for submissions from the wee Beat fans out there:


So get on board with the C.A.K.E. Project and get your submissions in as soon as you can! Remember, we’d love to hear your kids singing the verse in your native tongue, translated as needs be to match the sentiment of the phrase “If killing worked, it would have worked by now.”

Again, the email address for submission is:


The Beat

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