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Check out “BEVERLY”, short film @ 2Tone & Racial Politics in 1980’s UK

Hello Beat fans,

We wanted to clue you in to a very interesting project that is just about to drop. It’s a UK short film entitled “BEVERLY” and we think it will be really something special.


Beverley is set in Leicester in 1980. It follows a mixed-race girl’s struggle to carve out a sense of identity in a confusing, shifting cultural landscape. A move from the decaying, poverty-stricken, urban environment to the relative comfort and theoretical safety of white suburbia does not provide the hope and opportunities Bev may have wished for.

Here’s a bit more about the film from people who made it:

It should be released quite soon, so be sure and check it you!

Twitter: @BeverleyFilm
Facebook: Beverly film on Facebook


The Beat

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