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Say Hello to Holly G!

Hey Beat fans, we just wanted to take the time to introduce you to a great friend of the band and a fantastic artist, the one and only Holly Golightly, aka Holly G!

Holly G! Holly & Jim’s Star Wars Wedding

The hip among you probably already know Holly from her amazing artwork in the world of comics, webcomics and graphic novels: She is the creator of School Bites. She does the coloring/lettering for Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose and is the model for Tarot herself. Holly’s impressive C.V. also includes work on such characters and projects as Vampfire, Cheryl Blossom, Josie and The Pussycats, Betty & Veronica, Cosmo Girl, and Sabrina The Teenage Witch!!

Holly’s been a great friend and supporter of the band for years, and she was kind enough to whip up some awesome graphics for us recently. I know what you’re thinking, how did we score artwork from someone so talented?? Well, she’s also an super kind and generous person, that’s how!

Catch up with Holly and grab some of her & her husband Jim’s artwork at these sites:

Also, as a treat for you blog readers, here are some additional images Holly created for us. (click on the images to view them full size):

Thanks, Holly!!


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